Face Masks

FAQ: Medical Face Mask Questions Answered

There are still questions about the efficiency and safety of a medical face mask. Here, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions to put your mind and ease.

Does A Medical Face Mask Offer Protection From The Corona Virus?

Everyone should be using a face mask to control the spread of COVID-19. If you are sick or will be near someone ill, you should wear your medical face mask as this helps limit your exposure to respiratory droplets that carry the virus. 

Is A Medical Face Mask Safe To Wear?

For those needing to wear a medical face mask for extended periods, this question comes up again. There is no evidence that wearing a face mask, even for extended periods, is harmful. There is no indication of any carbon dioxide build-up or lack of oxygen in healthy people.

Remember, in the health care profession, people have been routinely wearing masks all day long before the COVID-19 pandemic, with no adverse side effects.

By wearing a mask, the number of infected droplets entering the air is reduced, thereby reducing the risk of everyone from contracting COVID-19 and other viruses transmitted in this way. 

Can I Reuse My Medical Face Mask?

In general, there are two types of face masks available on the market: disposable and reusable. You should be guided by the type of mask you have to decide whether or not to reuse. Disposable masks are designed for single use and then should be discarded. 

While disposable medical face masks and masks with KN95 type respirators offer the best protection, they are most effective during first-time use. Reusing them can increase your risk of infection as droplets that have been coughed or breathed out by an infected person can adhere to your mask. Reusing it creates an opportunity for you to transfer these droplets to yourself or others.

Reusable masks are designed to be reused; however, it is essential to follow the guidelines for their reuse. They must be washed daily and left to dry fully before using them again. Clean masks are best stored in a sealed plastic bag until you are ready to use it.

With all masks, make sure to wash your hands well before and after removing your mask to prevent any transfer of droplets between your hands and the mask.To order your medical face mask, contact MEO today. We are working hard to provide you with the best standards in air filtration, breathability, comfort and style. Our masks offer the best protection on the market.